Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Here we go!

Hello Reader! 

This blog is going to be a very selfish blog. I'm going to talk a lot about myself...I'm sorry. It probably won't be interesting at all, but here I am sharing it to the world just for kicks. This blog will be primarily a weight loss blog, so if you're not into that, keep on walking! Also, since I'm a fairly private, easily embarrassed type person, I won't be including anything interesting like pictures, weight/body measurements or any other types of actual proof. Instead, I'm going to come up with several small goals that have nothing to do with scales or numbers, and hopefully get really excited when I meet such goals. So here we go! 

Goals for Week 1 (Oct. 22-29)

- Eat only Nutrisystem approved food (at least 4 out of 7 days) DONE!

- Exercise for a minimum of 15 minutes (at least 4 out of 7 days) (Actually use the Daily Burn subscription I have?)

- Write down one thing in my meal planner each day that I'm happy about (Anything...myself, life, food, etc)

- Actually use the meal planner for all 7 days (I'm really hoping I'll be as obsessed with this meal planner as I was with my planner during college)

Long Term Goals

- Wear my wedding ring for more than a few hours at a time (swelling has made this very hard to do comfortably) 

- Be able to cross my legs knee over knee again (I know it's not good for your posture or back...blah blah blah...but I want to be able to do it again)

- Fit comfortably into my green jacket

-Be able to pull my brown boots up to where they should actually be on my calves. 

-Buy a smaller pair of jeans (sorry, no exact sizes here)

- Acid reflux and asthma decrease in frequency (or stop all together, that would be great)

I'll continue to add to this list and keep track of my progress. Like I said before, this blog will probably be an absolute snore fest...just a collection of my rambling thoughts put on virtual paper. Anyway, Zelda is calling my name so I better go try to beat the last few floors of the Tower of Spirits. Later gators!

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